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Classes & Workshops

Knowledge = Power​

Join other expecting families for an engaging fun birth and breastfeeding workshop w/April & Jodi. April is a Certified Professional Midwife and IBCLC Lactation Consultant. Jodi has a PhD in Health Promotion & Education with a special focus on maternal and child health and an Evidence Based Birth® Instructor. Get hands on practice and education to prepare for your hospital or home birth plus infant feeding education.


This in-person class will take place at:
The Well: A Center for Women's Wellness
529 East Stroop Road
Kettering, Ohio 45429
From 9am-1pm
Note that this class is offered quarterly.
Email for additional upcoming class options.


You've heard that breastfeeding is really hard. And usually painful. And you still think you want to try to make it work... but how? How are you supposed to know what is evidence-based information, and what is not?


Well Prepared Breastfeeding Workshop is exactly what you need to feel educated and prepared to feed your new baby. Taught by Midwife and IBCLC Lactation Consultant, April Kline, and Jodi Cunningham, public health practitioner with a PhD in community health, you are in the very best hands to welcome you into this new journey. This 1.5 hour virtual class you'll learn the basics of breastfeeding, how to handle those first few weeks after the arrival of your baby, making milk and maintaining supply, pumping and returning to work and more. This class is offered every other month (after registering email for upcoming dates.)

Learn and receive mentorship from Dr. Jodi through the Evidence Based Birth® Childbirth Class! You will get special access to: The four-week Evidence Based Birth® Childbirth class series; 3 months exclusive access to the Evidence Based Birth® Parent Website; Spiral-bound copy of the EBB® Childbirth Class workbook (mailed to your home); Text access to Dr. Jodi for 3 months; BONUS: Optional review and suggestions for your birth plan. Want more information and to learn more about your Instructor? Go to


(Virtual Accelerated Evidence Based Birth® 4-Week Classes)


April 2024

We will meet for 4 classes, virtually by zoom 6-8 pm on Tuesday

April 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th 

 6 couple spots available and 1 auditor spot (birth worker, etc.)


Expecting Couple

Back-to-Work Coaching with Dr. Jodi

Beaming Back® is Dr. Jodi’s exclusive return-to-work club for parents after bringing home a baby. This can be a tender and challenging time, and you shouldn’t have to walk through it alone!

Dr. Jodi has spent countless hours creating this coaching program, which includes individualized 1-1 support, access to an online community of other parents, tailored resources to fit your job and your unique circumstances, all honoring the whole of you. 

Dr. Jodi utilizes her skills as a Certified Doula, using whole-person listening and radical presence to truly hear and see you during this time.You will meet for a series of 4 hours, by zoom and/or phone, developing a strategy for your return-to-work, including support from Dr. Jodi is with you during those first four weeks back, with brief check-ins weekly check-ins. You also have her as a resource, outside of your call time, available to use her decade-long experience as a working mom/coach of other working moms and a community health leader to your benefit!


You get access to her by email and text for the duration of your return-to-work window, as well as helpful printable and resource recommendations to help you navigate pumping, understanding your rights, navigating work/life balance and more. Please invest in yourself during this time- the back-to-work you will thank you!

Person Using Laptop

We truly believe the old saying that Food is Your Medicine. April Kline, Midwife and Lactation Consultant, wrote and taught master's level nutrition and human lactation courses for midwives for twelve years and now offers this depth of knowledge to you. Things that are now considered "normal" during the childbearing year (preeclampsia, pregnancy-induced hypertension, gestational diabetes, feeling nauseated or in pain, swelling, GBS positive, etc.) are absolutely NOT normal—they are common, but not normal. April will gently and clearly address and help you correct any and all health issues with deep nutrition and targeted supplements so you can, as her many clients say, "Feel better pregnant than ever before!"


This in-person session will take place at:
The Well: A Center for Women's Wellness
529 East Stroop Road
Kettering, Ohio 45429

Prenatal Yoga with Laptop
Image by Raul Angel

How to Encourage Deep Mother/Baby
Bonds in Birth and Postpartum


​In this 56-minute online video training, April Kline, Midwife, Lactation Consultant and Emotional Release Therapist, and Intuitive Bodyworker, dives deep into the essential ties that bond mother and baby from conception throughout pregnancy, birth and on into the postpartum.


Perfect for parents as well as birth professionals, this informative video explores both the scientific and energetic specifics that impact the mother/baby bond in both the positive and the negative.


After viewing this training, you will:

- Understand the importance of undisturbed physiological
  processes, particularly hormone production

- How to determine what constitutes an intervention

- How to discern well-bonded versus poorly-bonded

- What is meant by "the energetic body"

- How to work with the energetic body

- Specific tools and techniques that encourage strong

- How to be present and grounded

- Specific interaction protocols that encourage bonding for
both parents and practitioners

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